> /pol/ at least collectively knows how to spot this goalpost moving tactic
Yeah they are getting there but it needs to reach a level where shills fear to even try their retardation
> because no government admitted that it was a bio-weapon
It's funny how with Biden in office all fact checkers vanished. Now we are back in the ways of the old when only schizos bother checking the actual facts. 
> so "nothing happened". Right?
Exactly. Always wonder how the people who say that are either on an extreme level of brainwashing or they have such a comfy life so far away from any aspect of actual society that they think "nothing happened". But this is not new at all. When the USSR collapsed even in the eastern block some people were "not affected at all" while everything changed around them. Everything changed hands many people killed themselves you could finally hold accountable those that abused their powers for decades but for them it was like "Nothing happened". Like how in WW2 the family house of my great grandparents got shot through with machinegun fire and because no one died in the family and there were just meager holes you had to patch and the frontline didn't stay at the same place for long therefore "nothing happened". These people don't understand how something always happens but... Qtards really overhyped everything that Trump did and I too can somewhat understand this weird lethargy towards happenings. Guess if covid and the vaxx did not murder half your family nor you lost your job and health because of it then it was a nothingburger. I almost envy those who lucked out with the working from home jobs but megacorps hate that for some reason.

> CRT TVs will be brought back, LED screens are considered a dead end technology
Okay this is something that I noticed while looking at other timelines. The lack of LED screens. I know you just said this as a minor example but do you know the reason why? Wtf is wrong with flat screens (besides it is truly not really evolving in the past years in a noticeable way) Is it about holograms? Can't think anything more. Supernatural portals are even possible to be opened through LED screens so I am not seeing what else it can do but still. Only high tech timelines had flat screen like things but timelines with the same level of tech did not have. Strange.