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> Something of this magnitude effects people and the world, and it is part of an awakening process to get rid of these lies. It seems mundane, but it isn't.
Yeah it's weird how it is. I remember how one of our leftist politician cried out how the "people of the countryside" are "all brainwashed" because they are immune to their bullshit and they never ever questioned how their own hubris that is literally the watered down version of the western retardation might be brainwashing. The eternal midwits. Accepting the braiwashing as truth and being proud of it then looking down on those who are "too stupid" to even think about accepting that. It can be real nuanced and globohomo thought that the whole world is composed of urbanist retards and nothing else. Everyone else is even more retarded therefore even more easy to brainwash. But can you blame them? They always operated in a city and thought that is all the world around them. Those geriatrics didn't even understand how the internet connects everyone and thought they just need to pay some tech dudes to smooth it out. Hell even Bill Gates though the internet is a dud when it started. Must be fun hiding in their clubhouse thinking how that is the whole world and nothing else besides it. 

> channelling retribution for the sinners
I want to know why they "sin". Is it their own nature or they were led and wrangled into a sin and as they think "there is no escape no redemption" anymore they stay there until the last moments and even let the main perpetrator of this whole deal escape just to "save themselves". I am not critiquing you because my "way" is sadly too slow. And while my way of "turtling" safeguards my area you are constantly under attack from these degenerative forces. We have a natural immunity already and I just need to make use of it. 

> I'll create the most terrifying tools of destruction possible because it's what the world needs
Funny about that. I found out I had a "Joker tulpa" within my head. He represented the "creativity" that is the force of "destruction". It was not the latest Joker movie but the unhinged crazy Heath Ledger with long predatory teeth as Venom from spiderman. First as I meditated a month ago with my spirit guide she just grabbed my neck and chocked the "joker" to death. That was the first time I seen it. Didn't really thought much because the clownworld and SOCIETY mems thought it is just mere subconscious influence. Then as I was looking through the connection between my minds it appeared a week ago and as I grabbed it to figure out how it is relating to my energetic connections I kinda took it apart. Then I found that some retards managed to make a meme in spiritual circles about "open your clown chakra" and spread that whole phenomenon and after everyone started to see it they started to preach how it represents order vs chaos and our inner fears... No it was not that. Joker is not chaos. Joker is the result and product of "false order". Joker just always sees the hypocrisy and weakpoints of those in power and exploits it as an instinct. He is not chaos he is just all the weaknesses of the "false order". And that aspect is going mad everywhere because "order" is not about enslaving and making everyone miserable for literally no reason.