I realized that "turtling" can be interpreted that I am defensive sexual ergo I am about building walls walls walls walls and defensive towers.

Yeah it's not about the "shield" it's about the atmosphere. An atmosphere where evil "Burns" the moment it tries to even open up it's "weakness" which is his degenerative ways. What I meant I am spiritually reinforcing and reconnecting my territory. So imagine a low life criminal just entered a street where everyone is a highly trained combat veteran that lives his "sunny days" in peace. Then that fuck just "tries" something. He will be broken before he manages to do anything or he will be too scared to even try because the "atmosphere" makes him scared so instead he behaves because even the weakest person has such an immense stare that he realizes he is a "guest" here and the moment he becomes an "enemy" he is dead because these people "don't have enemies" they only have friends. The moment anyone becomes something that can be classified as an "enemy" it gets purged by the entire ecosystem. 
There was that movie where the aliens invaded earth and used the blood of humans as a fuel and the ending was that they died from a regular earth disease. Pandora's box was about this. The "box" contained calamities that made humans endure different calamities with each opening and only "hope" remained there. The thing is these "calamities" are more deadly for the invaders than for the inhabitants. There are many forces that behave like that. This is why I call it not a shield but an "atmosphere". The moment you enter you start burning and even if you crashland the inhabitants will take you apart the moment you become "interesting" enough. This is something not I do "Personally" because there are natural forces that do this. It's just the current stage of living made people disconnected from nature disconnected from the spirit world and bogged them down in mundane retardation.

People can and want to change but not all of them ofc. This is why I am looking at who can and how. There is a high end lesson on the path for the "real masters" where they need to be able to save the most unsaveable because if they cannot do that then they don't "fully understand dharma". Because dharma is everywhere and being unable to utilize it no matter the situation means you don't understand it at all. ;_;

So what I tried to say is that I am not making a "shield" I just develop and utilize every "region" to the maximum of my abilities so they become "untouchable" by evil itself. This is possible because there was a "hint" that there will be a "mini golden age" in Kali Yuga (I am sure the jews think that is the messianic age that must start before the jewish year 6000) it's just you truly need to understand the nature of the world to do it. The problem ofc is that some evil is simply "retarded" while some managed to convince others that initiating the complete age of darkness initiates the "hard wipe" and teleports them into the golden age... Which is an absolute oversimplification of cosmic mechanics and I don't even know which retard managed to think "this will work". It is an accelerationist theory on steroids but if you make the pendulum swing so hard the pendulum breaks you will summon the "owner" of the pendulum and the consequences of that are immeasurable. You can fix things instead of completely breaking things so your "dad" will buy you a "new one". Only spoiled retards think this is how the world works.