> Then I'll be there at the end of that trail to slaughter them one by one as they appear
Yeah about that 1 by 1 thing. I find the "core issue" see how it connects EVERYTHING and as I see the surrounding energies of it (because these degenerative forces usually overuse a singular force and neglect others which means other forces are unused and if you "tap" that you can reallocate the whole flow of energies and BAM) you can channel energies in a way people change their ways because they finally see what they forgot to look at.

> original sin of losing their purity will never be admitted by them
About this... REAL PURITY cannot be besmirched nor tainted. OTHERWISE IT WOULDN'T BE REAL PURITY. The problem is that this "purity" can be diluted and overshadowed via dirt. If you went to /d/ in the past you noticed they have vanilia and  handholding  threads sometime because they became desensitized to all that extreme retardation because they had enough and even tho they can go "further" it leads "Nowhere" the moment "real purity" is being "touched" they realize that they "wandered too far away" and "it's time to go home". And yes not everyone aware that they can do this. Even in hinduism it was said how farmers and even criminals can work on themselves and awaken to truth. For kings the awakening might be even harder because they have to leave their palace for the "charred grounds" to even able to "want" to seek truth instead of being enamored by their own splendor. Everyone can change. My problem ofc is that it takes an extreme amount of patience and compassion and most importantly a steady and skillful hand/mind.

What I wrote is not a critique of your ways because those that you torture or send into the "Mines" are so worthless to me that I just delet them and let the forces that surround me rip them apart because letting them "exist" for a single moment longer is "torture" for themselves and for the world. "Mercy" sometimes means putting others out of their misery. But this is an another topic because I am not a suicide assistor force. It's just I don't have patience for some kind of retardations that lead nowhere but only into extended suffering with 0 educational quality. This is my current weakness btw. My impatience and my impulsive nature. I am tuning and streamlining it. This is not compassion this is just my pure anger manifesting in my actions. And anger is not something that comes from me. It is just some force that my environment and my experiences boiled into something that I use to solve the problems that my patience and kindness was too hesitant and too clumsy to solve.