> Also about twitter. Have fun with it. I never understood how it got popular from the start
My point was that twitter is a street like Dorset Street in East End, a place where all the poor and the whores gather. It's just online.

> SpaceX
I gave the muskrat some inspiration, or rather I worked on his subconscious to guide him to create the egregore and full form of a "thing" which will become the new platform. 
SpaceX is run by the galactic federation to popularize space travel. Rockets are wasteful and a dead end technology, but the first threshold is to de-mystify it conceptually. With anti-gravity anyone can fly into space with a regular car, just strap that device on and a small propulsion rocket can get you anywhere on just a small amount of fuel.

> he took the name Tesla for himself and uses it to make battery surveillance cars for the retardedly rich
Yes this was me. Long term slow spellcasting to make oil irrelevant and with that, the dollar. If you want to make something popular, make it popular with rich people and everyone else will follow.