> to make oil irrelevant and with that, the dollar.
I have no problem with that. My problem is that he managed to make 0 real innovation with them. Tesla wanted to use the untapped energy that is in the atmosphere with his towers and ideas and not make a technology that is nor innovative nor useful longterm and all it creates is a new obsolete heap of industrial waste. We had such a minimal technological progress with batteries that it's ridiculous. It's like telling butchers metal knives are dangerous for the environment so from tomorrow they are only allowed to use wooden knives and no they are not allowed to use any other material but wood because that is not kosher or something retarded reason like that.  The paperstraws was literally the last straw for me. Must be fun sitting in Starbucks 24/7 and seeing it omg 3 plastic straws on the floor. What if it gets stuck in the urethra of a penguin??? WE MUST DO SOMETHING!!! I truly want to know how much CO2 reduction it managed to do  Electric cars are becoming the new Betamax especially after they managed to crash the energy market... And let's not talk how only cities have the infrastructure for quickcharge cars. Even Hydrogen cars would be better if... we figured out how to make them not explode on impact and not make them cost more than building a space ship. IF ONLY THERE WAS SOME COMPANY THAT HAD A PORTFOLIO OF SPACESHIPS AND CARS. IF ONLY...
> If you want to make something popular, make it popular with rich people and everyone else will follow.
 Fucking Steve Jobs 
> Some people are now asking why the tanks they send to Ukraine aren't electric
We literally have electric drones now and that is the current "meta" you leftist fucks.  I am awaiting our technological development in the communication interference with this meta btw 
> how to create environmentally friendly artillery shells
We should go back using catapults and these retards as the ammunition who ask these smart question. WARS AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE SUSTAINABLE. THE FASTER YOU WIN IT THE LESS CASUALTIES AND THE LESS DAMAGE. ONLY THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL FUCKS WANT ETERNAL WAR. WHICH IS IMPOSSIBLE. Must be fun being a leftist and accepting this war = peace Orwellian nightmare already like it's normal.
Wonder if they think making the most agriculturally rich country full with mines is also good for the environment. No cars no tractors no people walking there and if they do they instantly become compost... The environmental friendliest.