> it's telling people they can fix their own problems
Usually "fixing" things nowadays means pretending to solve 1 issue then creating 3 in the process. And yes the environment is not that weak it cannot be destroyed that easily but sure as hell we can shit into our own tap water for meager profits and poison ourselves until no one is able to shit into the water anymore. The basics of natural selection. You either enrich or nurture the ecosystem or die before you do any lasting effect.
And yes the 
> wasting resources 
managed to turn into an absolutely warped mentality because I am sure that hormonally unbalancing people and making them mutilate themselves as a fad is more wasteful than anything. Congrats you created people that are unable to fit into any proper occupation besides a degenerated one. The only way to make them happy is via drugs and via entertaining their delusion. And if I go by that glowie narrative how this helps "reduce overpopulation" in a non intrusive way it's even worse because if a species mentally mindbreaks itself it needs a hardwipe to readjust.

I meant how Elon literally has the expertise to do that and I don't understand why he went with electric and why he neglect hydrogen. But this is probably some business insider level trivia that I am not sure where I should even try looking.

> and the sinners of the old planets are made in rocks
Yeah I too am reading Houseki no Kuni but I am sure you can materialize "rocks" other ways too but whatever. I know the way they handle minerals is complicated because I looked into it and my findings are not conclusive. My favorite is that whenever I ask about it I feel like I am asking the wrong question.