> I don't believe it possible that someone can't find even a single particle that can't be used
As I said. They are BUSY. Bridging way to many worlds and existences and most importantly stabilizing my energies. I literally have a spirit within me who is watching over so I don't waste my abilities on meager "whims" so if I do a psychic activity that is about more than I am accustomed doing she asks if I am sure that I want to do it because if I start the "process" it cannot be aborted.

And there is a difference using those that just "Lay around" and a difference waking someone up who worked 18 hours a day at the middle of the night. These particles within me are cultivating and learning to be not ASSMAD ABOUT THE RETARDATION THAT IS AROUND ME because once I reach a boiling point I just shoot out an energy into the closest thing I deem hostile and if my "vision" is warped because I don't have enough resource to maintain a clean view of things then BAM dude who just said something that I misinterpreted became part of my madness. And no my past life cultivation did not manage to completely solidify within me. I am not like you I did not do yoga for decades. I used and played with psychic abilities. It might be not obvious for you how much strain they are under for too long. It was not obvious for me either because I can become too focused on some problems and ignoring everything else. This "mindfulness" was something I had to learn because my "focus" is simply too straining and not fit for humans. It is fit for a warmachine but not for a human.

> showing humans just how irrelevant any of their lives are in the greater picture
Sure. Let's send all farmers into a war where they slaughter each other then everyone else can tend the fields with 0 expertise. It was funny when they said the tank drivers had to be called home because there was no one to operate the combine harvesters in Ukraine. 
This everyone is "economically interchangeable" idea is great on paper but we are seeing nowadays how it doesn't work and what happens with companies when those that made it work leave it. And I don't know where you draw of line at "human value" because bullets wouldn't exist without humans either so you can only start "valuing" things if you start from a level where humans did not "manufacture" anything yet. When do things start to have "value"?