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> "Queen of the east" and "Earth's champion"
Succubus replies:
"Yes, those are positions, question is in what way this is relevant to you. You figure this out, because the East is the region around China, while the Champion is supposed to be a uniting force, but it's created by the NWO, so naturally that position is everything bad in one person, the ultimate useful idiot who can be used by the evil to cover up their sins in the name of 'good'. Imagine the perfect bootlicking 'do-gooder' who supports his government and protects the rich, not because of laws but because he really has a sense of 'duty' and thinks that those things are 'sacred values' and anyone telling the truth about them are 'terrorists'. Someone would be chosen to become that idiot champion to unite the Earth, and create the final Empire of the Black Sun. The Queen of the East is not trying to unite the Earth but just steamroll over them to make China rule it. They are looking for her. The irony of the situation is that Queen of the East is a better choice because at least she will expose the evil in half the world."