While I want to make an effort post about this after I reach a conclusion that I can finally word I think I should mention something important that I am finally able to realize in practice that I only knew as a theory or intuitive truth before.

"Bottlenecks". When we think there is a "neck" it is usually not "bottlenecking" because it is "narrow" but because it is not operating correctly because some "divine truth" is missing. 
The reason why I am saying this because on the human body the "bottleneck" is... yes the neck. And the throat chakra has even more petals than the heart chakra and that is the "gateway" to supernatural abilities and the third eye is the divine instrument that let us see how it works.

What I noticed some months ago that sometimes my neck hurts like some muscle cramps. It turned out it was not just a muscle but literally an energetic bottleneck because some of my energetic pathways were clogged and a single pathway had to take the "brunt" of my psychic energies. Now I am noticing how there are several channels and all of them need to "work" so the workload is at the right places. There is nothing "super" about the "supernatural" it is completely natural once the truths find their places. It's always silly seeing how simple it is once you can understand it.

And about the throat chakra. That chakra has 16 petals while the crown chakra 1000. Why this is important. It is because as we go "Up" our head gets smaller but in actuality it has the highest nerve and energetic circuit density. While it is physically smaller in actuality the uncompressed "truth" is larger than our entire being. This is why you need to be "Open" for spiritual work because once flowers "bloom" they become far larger than the stem and can properly "bask in the light".

What I wanted to say with this post is that the "bottleneck concept" might actually bottleneck you further because you limit your understanding with it.

> Might cause something meaningful to move.
If it does feel free to write about it. I am exploring and expanding my understanding on this territory and I want to write it down when it becomes less hazy. Just had a moment in the night when I awoken because my subconscious didn't figure out how to "switch" the tension level that I suddenly unlocked in my body so I can remain asleep. Tuning it can be a real wonder sometimes.