> his birth was marked by all male infants up to 2 years of age being killed
Wasn't that about Herod killing them because a prophecy he will be overthrown by one of the children?
I am really not sure about this because it feels like a old motif from greek lore which started how Cronus the Titan ate his chidren so they don't overthrow him and then this motif repeated with Oedipus and many more people that killed everyone that fit the bill of the possible killer so their rule remains and with this they usually fulfilled the prophecy by being this retarded.

The problem with the whole new testament is that Jesus merged with multiple egregores especially with Rome and Rome was also an amalgamation of multiple cultures faiths and all pretended to be one and the same via mixing up a bunch of deities and concepts so they can "fake" some sort of cohesion and central authority/origin point. 
And yes the fact that Jesus "awakened" via crucifixion managed to ruin so many things is ridiculous. 
The entities I am working with said "moloch" is "not real" for long because it is just an egregoric "corpse" that was resurrected via groups through history so they can serve a purpose with him which is kinda similar to Jesus in this regard but I still don't consider them the same.
This is the problem with the Bible. Even the latin translation was wrong and once they started translating to every language meaning went into the direction the authors who were more like interpreters and not "channelers" of truth. This is why I am apathetic with my bible study because channeling 2 millenniums worth of retardation then tapping the "truth" with every page sounds tiring as hell and not the main thing I am striving for as of now. Channeling the prophecies of the prophets and try to understand how people misunderstood it and making sure I am getting it right is the shittiest kind of confusion and arrogant madness.

Just googled this shit with Herod it seems my insights about this are not "unique" because others came to this conclusion as well.
The fact that Rome made mashed potatoes from every faith for mass consumption does not help the understanding how things happened because most of the time Jesus is not even an important factor in some of the mechanisms at all but if he is not "there" it is disregarded as pagan nonsense. This is why we need a gazillion of saints to fill in the blank holes for things that Jesus didn't do in that last 5 years before his crucifixion.

> cultivate yourself into moloch using correct principles
Yeah uhm. That is how it works yes. Some "high sorcerer" realized moloch is a corpse and it can be overtaken if he becomes it's "sentience" but if you fuck it up it devours you and degenerates all perspectives of yours into a sort of egregoric corpse liquid. Good luck with that I guess.