> Do you want me to answer that?
What you said seemed to come out of nowhere in relation to what I said. I'm talking about what I saw up there behind the Moloch brass bull egregore. I mean to take over the structure which is left down here now (the cult with the jews), the guy up there seems to have left. He looked like a "wide" cartoon character with a black suit, but he had a "sharp" feel and the energy was ominous in some way. Noticed I had that energy already when I stepped into the car to go shopping earlier, and though I didn't remember it when I woke up this morning, there was an attack by some NWO/glowfags early morning which was when I deviced the new clown Raid "Madness" to kill them with. At first I saw the classic Minotaur Moloch image but it was white, and he said between the teeth, uneffected by the energy stream "that's a quite strong attack". (I reverse engineered it so Madness has that ability.)