> the white bull
No that was it. I suspected so but wasn't sure at first. When taking a walk, a huge black demon with horns emerged from the woods across the field. I asked "Who are you?" and he said "I am you".
Yesterday morning when reading the bible I went from the book of kings 2, to the apostles by Luke (I'm skipping back and forth a bit to get a context) and during the session there were several things which clicked and broke open in my energy pathways (not going to detail it, but it was very strong). Later in the day I felt the last "sigil" of a divine body armour click into place like a new card on a motherboard, and the form was finished.

I think that was it, really. Forming a complete body means to block the previous energy which was passing through you, and those lower beings who had some influence over you or your area are shut out. This is why major breakthrough always provoke meaningless suicide attacks from evil spirits, glowies and what else. So in conclusion the white bull was simply the Moloch form I created by studying the bible.