> So in conclusion the white bull was simply the Moloch form I created by studying the bible.
Oh if you know this then I said nothing. 

Also it seems there is a sort of "brass" elemental layer which was a 2 edged blade. It seems that brass was capable of trapping entities into metallic forms and then "feeding" them with that brass bull sacrifice method ergo degenerating them. It seems this whole elemental layer is something that is easy to break once you have enough qi but I never even considered seeing it. While breaking it a spirit form appeared and brought me grapes with each piece of grape representing a self contained life.

> felt the last "sigil"
Some days ago I unlocked parts of my brain via understanding my more intense darker/plutonian desires and I unlocked a part which contained an anima force that contained all the sigillic manifestations of the energies I used. It seems she represents my "autocaster" that can use spells without understanding what it is about or how it works at all but stores the actual process nonetheless.

I will need to meditate properly to balance the things out again. I think I reached a new "inherent laziness" again. While it is the "perfect calm" for magical work I just need to muster the will to make things click into place.

Oh rith must not forget to check upon what is with the Youjo Senki egregore when I have the freetime.