> Honestly i'm not sure i'm human
What gives you this idea? I mean did you find any signs that you might belong into an another species or felt affinity towards other species or anything that might signal your soul origin? Finding out might give you the key with your incompatibility issues. Sometimes we have organsouls that didn't manage to integrate with our "true soul" properly.

> Celiac disease
Oh that's the glutenfree diet no matter what right? Well that's a tough one because 1 it's an autoimmune disease and 2 it is a civilizational disease which means some artificial additive might have triggered your immune system while growing up or your spirit has a "Bad reflex" towards it. Autoimmune diseases sometimes can come from a trauma or a lifestyle while sometimes they can have truly deep genetic origins and the worst is once you accept that it's "genetic" your body will go
> It cannot be helped we have to accept it and live with it the best we can 
until some life threatening event happens and in a "in fire you will be remade" way the body just "snaps out of it".
But yes the current mass produced wheat and flour industry is truly lacing everything with poison so they can stay afloat so your body deciding that it is a "poison" is not exactly hard to understand. The problem is that "curing it" might be possible by simply making your metabolism superstrong but that is a complicated thing how to do in a magical perspective. It is a sort of "meat" magic which makes it quite low and quite dangerous magic because your intestines are like a battleground a slaughterhouse the kingdom of bacteria where the strong rules and the immune system can go into a retarded police brutality mode about some kind of foods until it finds it's stature. 

Sorry I cannot give any useful advice besides trying to feel the organ soul in your intestines. The intestines is like a giant snake while the stomach is like a forge or furnace of eternal might. The snake intestines are really complicated because I usually need to tune it as much as it is needed to counterbalance my higher magic but I never really put into words in my mind how I use it. What you need is to figure out how to strengthen your digestion and metabolism and to do that you have to tune into your lower chakras somehow.
Once your digestion is top notch the immune system will stop using police brutality on gluten but the problem with celliac disease is that it's a newfound disease so my "ancient medicine skill" does not know where to put it.