So it can transform into the "falling dragon"? It's like how space shuttles suffer atmospheric reentry and start burning but the dragon is "falling from the heavens" and "burns" but only because it goes too fast and that fastness makes it not just burn but propels it? So this is like a high speed burning "bulldozer" or indestructible rocket that literally destroys everything in it's wake. Holy shit you can use it to clean anything while feeding it with proper amount of energy.
> i think it's cute.
I would say it has an elegance once you understand how it is propelled. It's not like a crude rocket that "merely burns" that there is quite the "ballet dance" like elegance in it that creates these energies. To "stop it" you have to do a sort of "Pirouette" and it "poofs out of existence". It's quite refreshing in a way.