
Thanks for reminding me that I should get back studying how meridians work and look up some acupressure and acupuncture charts how the chinese medicine figured this out so far because currently I can see them feel them and talk/interact with them but there are so many I need to find a way to ground my understanding.

Is there someone with good sources and mostly with pictures that explain what meridian is what and how it connects because all I have is the search engines and I am wading through a moderate amount of crap until I find one that truly shows everything and has a nice glossary to it so I can have an idea what does what instead of giving superficial explanations for the layest of laypeople.  Fucking skeptic niggers quacks and charlatans managed to ruin the truth of that science so much it's ridiculous. But why would the western medicine industry support something that does not put people into eternal debt and addiction slavery. 

> Just let the innate power take form
This is what I am being taught and "letting happen" in the last days because I unlocked and unclogged a bunch at once and they need to readjust and I need to understand how now they are my baseline energies and how to exist without my cursed energies. The cursedness of this world is unbelievable and how much I managed to get accustomed to it and thinking how that is the "only way" and now understanding how that was never the case but it had to happen as always... some things just... need to happen so we bother going further to conclude a realization.

Also back to topic. EFT tapping is working with good theories and every criticism I read so far is about people missing the point and not having anyone who can tell them how to use this methodology correctly then they go LUL PSEUDOSCIENCE. These people would disprove how you can make fire with 2 sticks because they would just pick the wettest thinnest branches and go how 90% of the participants couldn't do it and those who did let the branches dry therefore damaging the quality of the sample so they shouldn't be taken seriously. At least I know the term "unsinkable rubberduck" now. It's a term how they are "disproving something" and expect everyone to accept the authority of that study and just "stop believing" WE SAID IT NOT REAL WHY DO YOU BELIEVE HOW DARE YOU. I know the hell that awaits these people but it still doesn't make me happy and I know the time these people will be blown over is not "here" yet. Not like any sane person cares what these people think. I hate the word "pseudoscience" so much it's unreal. But what can you do in this age of marketing where once you have a good idea they either steal it or try to shut you down as fast as possible.

Sorry about this rant. Slowly these energies are leaving my system and maybe the style of my posts will follow with it. It took me so much time getting over this "mainstream scientific authority mindset" that everyone had around me in my teens and being adult means accepting the hopelessly gray world was something that griped me so long. Only the internet helped me to see there are others too that seen these things but it's always hard finding the proper channels of information at first.