thumbnail of TO2941-3.jpg
thumbnail of TO2941-3.jpg
TO2941-3 jpg
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thumbnail of grey-like robot factory.png
thumbnail of grey-like robot factory.png
grey-like robot... png
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In case someone didn't notice: the mantis tired of it already, they exhausted themselves by using up all other-dimensional resources. The ghouls turned out being just the degenerates of some grey-like race. Both races decided to handle their degens and the conflict ended.

Prior to that, both sides sent assassins to my place. The mantis are just shape shifting regular mantis, because those are very toxic but not specifically hostile, it was just supposed by them that interaction is lethal.
From the grey-like side came a robot goth girl with a wizard's robe. It turned out being a robot with soul but also a built in time-bomb. I disarmed it and sent my representative servitor to seek out who made it. That's how I found them. The degens had just ordered it from a factory and the workers there didn't look closer at the design when they made it. I asked to have it remade into a new body without the bomb and they did so, they said they'd do it for free under "maintenance".

I played around a bit with them, the technology is similar to factory-made pressed tin toys, but with gel organs (liquid material poured into the metal casing, then solidifying when cooling). They're well enough made to contain souls, so they work as human bodies. 

> pic related
These kinds of tin toys were still sold at fairs when I was a kid, Idk about now.

> other pic
The factory quite literally looked like this.