I think the reason why you are getting this because as you said before you seek "power". And some people think "power" comes from the ability to coerce people into your bidding without seeing the other forces that move generate and evolve interactions. You are finally getting the "power" that shows what moves things or as I like to say "what makes things work".

Like at some organizations it's not always the boss that makes things work but some people some well oiled clogs in the machine that if they are gone everything falls apart. The opposite is always true. Once you oil or get rid of the rusty faulty clogs efficiency increases. But for you this is not what you are looking for. You are finding the energy that exists outside the "box" of this false order/societal institutional world.
BO also said how "laws" are just a thing that enslaves or tortures people instead of guiding them and this is what the federation does well. For you understanding this energy will be probably key for your development because you will be able to see how things operate without being blinded from the hurdles of this entrenched rot of society we have all around us.

I can somewhat feel the energies you are talking about but I cannot put it into words as well as you do. For me it is just an another element of life but for you it might be a guiding principle.
What makes a slave a slave. The chains the rags the fact that he is called a slave or his mentality where he accepted his fate without seeking a way outside from that life that perpetuates his slavery. The crown does not make the king. The king is the king without the crown. If someone puts on the crown without anyone accepting him as the king he is killed for that transgression. Knowing what we are is important and our current circumstances while imply our current standing in the end it will only make us if we let it make us. Is the King the only free person or he is the slave to the crown? Is he coercing himself to be the coercer or he will be the one that is coerced?
I think this is the loop the "box" you are trying to free yourself from.

Did this channel give you this term or it is a translation from an another word?