> Did you find more regions where they teeming too much?
Actually, this may not be news but yes, Kiev and surrounding area.

When tracing the vampire leeches to more and more diluted forms, I was attacked by a group based there. So far this is a guess, but it wouldn't surprise me if this is the origin of the Jesuits and their extremely dark magic. It seems they want to create the "hoholinati", a version of the Illuminati based on trafficking and blood business. Unfortunately they have much of "the west" by the balls because they almost monopolized the adrenachrome production world wide. If they want to rule the world from Kiev and managed to drag the USA into funding them, leading to a domino effect of them forcing their lackey states (EU, Nato) to also fund them, this is a sign of just how far they got on that road. They're also not going to stop fighting, being high on power they will definitely go "to the last hohol" with the addition "to the last of USA/EU" as well. Their only mistake is perhaps that they are part of the same egregore as real vampires, who live in the USA, so they won't budge in the end, that's as far as they can go.

I already picked up heated discussions within the Illuminati where they were worrying about the amount of karma filling up their barrel as a result of Jewish slaughter of women and children in Gaza, but the biggest problem is the Jesuits in Ukraine. They all add to the same karmic buffer and it will cause problems for all members if one of them adds more dirt for no reason.