> obtained the Greek translation of the word 'institution'

Oooooohhhhhh. I see where are you coming from. Yes we had this. Even I had this in my past lives. This was when you abandoned your home/citystate and joined a mystery cult in the wilderness in the ancient greek times and yes with /sunflower/ we somewhat making a reminiscence to that age and I too am working to resummon/reactivate that age of humanity into the present but I am not too hasty because I know the exact reasons why that age "fell" and it was not because Alexander the Great or Rome or anything but a level of degeneracy started to spread in the flesh and mind of people and only this "violence" managed to become the "answer" and I don't want an age where we need a "Crusade" every quarter century so we can "keep things afloat". That occasional crusades are a mere stop gap measure and are unable to solve the problem on the long term.

> Takd me for example: I have altered my fate alongside the succubus current, so you could say that the succubus current is my master.
The succubus current is more akin to a simple "seminar" in your journey and not exactly your one true master. Back then we had a sort of "teacher" and while he was our "master" he was merely just imparting his knowledge to us and not exactly was our coercive overlord. We could leave but after you passed the initiation leaving was "out of question" because you are "not allowed to leave" with "half baked truths". Only the ignorant and those that "truly know" can be "free" and those that proved themselves via passing the initiation were unable to dropout anymore. 
Hmmmmm. Maybe this is what you are looking for? A true path? One that is unable to "Let you go" because it will bring you along no matter what? Interesting how I didn't notice this before.
I never considered my "teacher" my "master" because once you passed you were "worthy" an "equal" like how in university you are "colleagues" with the professor no matter if you are a student or a Phd trainee. While in rank we are not equal in that institution we are becoming the same level in the end. If the professor is unable to raise your level to their own and unable to teach you then it's not just your fault but his inability too.

> Hobbesianism
Yeah in ancient Rome and other city states you could "leave" whenever but then you were in the wilderness and that "safety" was no more. If you could manage it then go ahead but those who born and lived in the city their whole lives would never do such thing.

> It feels like reading a completely new person
No this is Tryppers "higher gear" intellect. I noticed this when I was talking to him before Hawket that he is able to "shift gears" and suddenly able to talk on an academic level but the problem is that this "theorycrafting" he is doing to ground and put into words the energies he is working with for his "tulpa" will just result in him magically drawing a supersigil then he shifts into a higher gear and into a higher gear again then he may or may not go insane because his "lower selves" are unable to contain his "truth" then he panics and hits the breaks and the whole things starts over. Also the "passengers" that are supposed to be "watching over him" sometimes grab the wheel and make sure he is not crashing himself in the process. He needs to reach a level where he is able to welcome summon and most importantly hold his higher energies continuously. This is why I said his case is quite fundamental because understanding his deal will give me quite the understanding how the flesh can interact with the spirit on the higher levels.