They believe themselves above God because they built a system which is based on being "beyond Judaism". But when understanding it as the form of a tantric energy system, this is simply moving beyond the limited "male" energy system and looking at what appears to them as "pregnancy". If the conception is the "end times" for Jews, the Jesuits are looking at the energy build up in the belly caused by the baby drawing energy from the gut into the womb. And they think this energy movement is a "force of nature beyond God" because they associate God with the male aspect, as if the ancient history up until now is a raging boner, which is irrelevant once the egg is fertilized, but they fail to see that the "egg" exists and are only looking at the changes in the rest of the body. That is what I see of their world wide energy system. They are little beings like bacteria or viruses in the body noticing these changes and thinking they can profit from this "new God".