Uhum so the Spaniard the official Jesuit founder was the "first official footsoldier" aka posterboy and nothing more serious and while I thought they got kicked for being hardliners they got kicked out because their allegiance was not the pope nor christianity but "God" which always happened to be some dude no one really knew about too much. Which means they got kicked out because of a scandal where it was found out they just use the "name of God" as an excuse and while they sound as super papist they are everything but that because once they proclaim you a "fake pope" they go off the rails to god knows who.

But they brushed this over as an unfounded scandal and managed to get back into the grace of catholicism where they made sure "there will be no more fake popes" which they pretended it means that every pope will be a "proper pope that adheres to the teachings" and not that every pope will be a puppet. Oh and they are not the puppet masters they are merely the "strings" and nothing else. There are literally organizations that don't do shit but stay on alert for 50 years while they are others that change the way they operate every day.

These fucks are literally the Janissary but (maybe?) less gay. They get their numbers via a sort of "voluntary abduction". Great now I am getting the theory how they managed to copy and reinterpret the ways the Ottomans operated and while the Turks fell into a semi-irrelevance they still use the same tactics since that. 
So back then they had "Islam" as the eternal enemy and the problem was that after the 1800s they were so meaningless and colonialism rewrote the power dynamics they had to change everything. Most of it was missionary work and infiltration but... They kinda lost it because "they won" and lost their purpose. That's where they started to "mend" old wounds and... wtf did they do.

It's like someone grabbed them and made use of them. They went into a sort of "eternal vigilance" and without a constant threat that leads to nothing so they were constantly given targets but because it was not a big ever present threat like the Ottomans they had absolute problems. The worst part? The French revolution Napoleon and everything that happened didn't even make a "blip" on their radar. It's like nothing changed for them at all. Kings and crowns always change. They are not above God's plan they are just mere participants.

So it seems they don't even have "enemies" but "levels of allegiance" and everything they do is to increase that.

> the ancient history up until now is a raging boner
Nicely put.
> A person is a virus, and the body is a continent
Yeah I just got their "world map" and what they think of each regions. Quite the archaic thinking.
> It takes a very small mind which also projects very basic energy functions to a huge scale, to see this
Yeah you could say that. What you wrote in the previous post is not wrong but because only the "Male" exists their concepts are kinda warped and too "Up in their own ass" kind of thing.