Also Satan is not real because they killed him years ago. Only the evils of men needs to be kept in check.

Yeah I am switching between baseline thinking history and event specific thinking so it's hard to stay coherent.

I am not sure they know what they are fighting for anymore

> based on being "beyond Judaism".
Yeah Jesus rewrote the rules of the whole covenant this is why they are "Jesuits" but their understanding is... I don't know. As long as they were anti-Islam it is somewhat easy to follow but after that? And no Satan is not exactly the Ottoman empire nor Islam because they think that was a mere "symptom" of it.

Yeah I will stop now. It's not like I lost the thread I am in a middle of a cognitive dissonance and I don't know where to go from here. It just ping pongs me between completely opposing views that had to happen because large organization compartmentalization and because their "credo" was so unquestionable and only reinterpreted so rarely it was like it never changed through the centuries.
> they are kicking the belly to harm the baby.
Yeah they consider the baby the "evils of man" 
> basis of evil feminist thinking
Yeah it seems they see the "swelling" as the tumor and not the continuity of life?
They really don't think about women and babies at all so it is hard to put correlations between these things "with their mind" but true to some degree.
With Judaism it is more easy to make these correlations because "sex" is so "sinful" they constantly need to talk about it while Jesuits abandoned it to such degree so even if it happens front of them they don't even "see it". Wow.