> there is no way back.
True. We have to move forward. Even if  I consider the RETVRN meme where we go back into the glorious past... well our view is extremely romanticized of that "glory" and that makes it almost unattainable and the past is past. It cannot be returned only some parts of it rediscovered and integrated into the future. If it's done right the same greatness will "return" but it won't be that. Maybe it will be better maybe it cannot be compared. This is the thing with "mini golden ages". The Jews wish only 1000 years so did the Führer with the 1000 year Reich. Why a thousand only? Why not eternal? Because even they have a level of "realism" in this matter. 
But it's not impossible it's just some energies and some mechanics need to be integrated but currently I am like a child who just found some manuals lying on the ground and some spare parts that were ignored for centuries if not for millennias.

> roads and streets and buildings "expects walking to be performed".
Yeah. It's ridiculous.
> They cannot "return to nature" because then they would turn into fungus and not move anymore. 
Even I feel that "learned despair" within my veins and the problem is that it cannot be combated aggressively because I rip myself apart. It needs to be understood. But yes the Queen is right 
> you have to re-moralize them first
> They won't evolve into humans again at this point
You don't "evolve" from devolution. You reverse the devolution process. That is the reason why we call it "revolution" isn't it right comrade?
> were reprogrammed to not repeat globohomo talking points, but will respond to other, normal stimuli, then I just dropped them back into the maze again. They're now hopeless NPCs with correct views, and the globos won't be able to change them either.
Whatever I agree with this. My way is letting the anger flow naturally when the globohomo talking points arise and if they are "too intelligent" to be angry then let them "feel" the flow of proper thinking. It's quite ridiculous listening to the radio and it has a higher quality than a srs discussion on the internet. Gives me back the hope in the people. But in the west they are too inhibited to be angry without a command and "intelligence" means that they accepted all brainwashing as truth. Truly first world problems. My second worlder ways are hard to apply there. This is why I turtle because the 2nd world is not as fragile as the 1st world but it's already cracked. While it is less likely to break further that doesn't mean it is invincible by any means. The 3rd world tho... That place is like made of rubber or I don't know what will their fate be at all. But that is something that I consider as a "post-Israel" issue. I could call it post-USA hegemony issue too but I consider that the USA lost his hegemony at the current stage of events. But we still have elections this year and they can play many cards at this stage. From the nothing happened bsns as usual to the complete obliteration through retardation scenarios or I don't know anymore.