Telekinesis is not the same as teleportation or levitation. It's a common concept that a wizard can move objects and make them fly, but it's harder to fly yourself. These abilities are not connected however. Teleportation is also not connected to these. 

Levitation is anti-gravity, it means to remove the gravity particles from your body or from an object, this makes it rise up. Continuous flight with a vehicle still needs to have propulsion such as a rocket or a "snake drive" which is a method for using magnetism. Personal flight is done by either creating this snake drive ability to drag yourself forward using a form of induction, or by using very short distance teleportation. Yes, that is how you move in the air. Teleport one millimeter forward, repeatedly.

Teleportation is the highest form of "pathing", the ability to use dimensional portals in the landscape. This has been discussed before on here and needs not be elaborated.

Telekinesis is different from both of those, as it projects the ability to move object outside of yourself. It is not levitation combined with snake drive projected, and it isn't teleportation. It is to manipulate projected force to move an object as if lifting it using your hands, arms, body, legs and feet pressing against gravity from the ground and up, or from any other hard object or force. It can be combined with any of the other abilities such as reducing the gravity of the object, but this is not telekinesis, it is a way to make telekinesis more effective. Same for adding magnetic propulsion, but if you use these abilities combined to create an effect of telekinesis, it is not real telekinesis, it is a combination of other abilities.