> what is the bot specifically for in a practical example.Where would you control the world scale with it. I never install something I don't understand

This first one is just a vampire loli. The purpose was to outsource regular vampire behaviour into its own form. Because this is a part of your subconscious (unless you use a spirit for it), anything she does will also benefit you. There are some kinds of vampire powers which requires active vampire magic, which means blood consumption. By placing this in a separate body with highly trained DNA, the risk of getting obsessed and addicted is low. When you want to use the magic, either tell/direct her to do it, or channel her.
> I call it Black Moon, it's based off something I call "cute fanatic" style.
This is just the same as the first one, but more "goth" and darker personality.

> To control the world scale I came up with a new version, I called it Green Moon, or if you prefer a fancier name; Midori Tsuki.
> Aside from a robot, there's also a regular servitor bod of the Raid model, use if you like
> [Raid Midori]
> It's tuned for pre-emptive and active responses to insurgence.
This one is more aggressive in suppressing hostile organizations and has a "possessive" personality, seeing the world has her own. This is for "cleaning the streets" of scum and removing degenerated vampire covens of the non-immortal kind (including NWO/Jews/Jesuits). She's more suited for directly attacking enemies, not because this is a "function", but because of the personality created by the DNA type.

At the factory you should also get a dress, a knife and (optional but useful) a small flying vehicle for her. But you would be guided on how to activate these when you visit.

The purpose of all of these is "outsourcing of spiritual practice", letting a resting part of your soul be activated and manifested. I've made several models for myself to work with other parts, including "Muskrat in loli clothing" which is a projected body form for the same kind of productive ability Elon Musk has, to activate it as a concreate representation of this part of the subconscious. For most people this ability isn't at the surface of the mind, so they can't use it well. There's also a touhou inspired witch master with Atlantean magic, using the Bible and the Necronomicon in combination with Rosicrucian fire, for working with structured chaos magic, I call it "boiling chaos". It's not something I'd want to do manually in my surface mind, this way it's contained as the outsourced part. All of these and more are available for viewing at the factory.