Sorry for the super late response, had to do some stuff

> You mentioned you were mixed race I think. Do you know your genetic ancestry? 
Unfortunately I do not know, the only thing I know is that my mother is black and that my father, was the white parent and that he is older than my mother and grandmother.
What made you think that person is greek and the twink is argentinian?
The guy doing the fucking just gave off Greek vibes and iirc he wore a toga. The other guy was just brown, he didn't look persian or anything else. He just looked argentinian (hell, he could have been some of variation of Spanish for all I know I'm just going off of memory and feeling at this point) Are you a medchad. Or do you go to /int/ too much and your mind got a little warped.
No, barely go to /int/ at all, the last time I did was to man resources from the /djt/ general since I lost all the Japanese dictionary files for anki and yomichan/rikaikun programs. As far as me being med I have no clue about that either