> Yeah that happens. It's mental linking hiccups. Suddenly entering a new body or a new dimension sometimes messes with our ability to think or act. I remember there was a time while it felt like my right brain hemisphere is missing while being in a dream. My thoughts were working and was able to speak but felt that it takes effort accessing my full thinking capacity.
Ah okay, I didn't know what was going on. It was genuinely freaking me and irritating me at simulation until I just said fuck it went with the flow. She was able to understand some English and also understood I was trying to communicate with her but I think we both came to the conclusion that I should stay non verbal until I can feel "the ability coming back" and to communicate in other ways (gestures, etc.)

> Yeah your original (You) or your intuition knows what's up. Yes you can decrease the informational flow via acting less and then slowly awake physically.

Oh so that's how it works
> That way the whole interaction won't get rejected and forgotten by your memories. I could say more but I am not sure if it is important.
Ah it's fine, but yeah in addition to the general overload there was also the whole thing with negative influences trying to well influence me again (my shitposting sprees, and the other stuff I mentioned prior). I've gotten somewhat better at dealing with but still have times of being overwhelmed so I do my best to isolate myself from it more now like you suggested