
Might be related.
Had a dream about a being like a week ago that would have scared me shitless if I was a revelationfag. It was like a fallen angel but the wings were not exactly "wings" but like 2 giant bodyparts reaching up into the sky (it represented the extraphysical bodyparts which are not just wings/hands anymore but a group of organs) and everything around him was ash. It turns our "real light" not just illuminates but burns everything. No not like fire nor like acid or radiation but all of them at once. It burns faster than you can see the things "burn" and most importantly they are not exactly burning but the "trapped energies" get "freed" and let manifest in their true form. I would have been bothered for a second thinking it's Lucifer or some messianic shit but luckily I have an expert I can ask when these things happen so I dialed up Shiva.

Well he told me that this is "real light" and my "third eye" is merging and this is how real light operates. Not just mere sparks nor some minor illumination not even fire and flames. Absolute cleansing of everything it touches and absolute clarity. No false light no false darkness anymore. Just truth in it's pure form. Takes time letting this "light" go through the body. If it hurts if it burns it's being applied in the wrong way. 
> (The fuel of the Wheel). 
What was made first the fuel or the wheel? Why does the wheel need to spin. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed only transferred. Where does the wheel bring the energy. Does the wheel create the fuel? 
What you said is wise I am just curious if you understand the eternal spiral. Not even I can say I understand it at my level. It does too many things.

Also had a dream today. It was about traintracks again. Was there an another minor timeline shift?

I noticed the traintracks in a pure white landscape and as I wandered through them with many other people the people who went front of me got hit by the train but they didn't die just vanished. Was wondering how did they not see the train coming. Then as I wondered about this a scene from the simpsons started playing where the Grandpa was on a train and lamented how he is on a train and he has to go far away at the end of the line because some plot reason. Then the train conductor told him that the next and last track is just "upper-Springfield". Literally the same place he is but an another part of the town. Then he acted like his whole life changed because he thought with that ride he will go into a completely different desolate place but he just went into upper Springfied. And acted like he is not even in his hometown anymore. Was wondering if there was a Simpsons ep like this or my memories just reconstructed a whole new scenario. I don't want to watch 20 season of Simpsons to find out. Also wondered what it meant. Macron saying troops in Ukraine Pope tells Ukraine to surrender. What else is there nowadays.