> What will happen if I evoke these three energies at the same time?
Try and see?
The OP describes the clarity of the first time I met Chinese FG practitioners in a Stockholm suburb. In retrospect is was also the top of the entire local group's egregore, the girl I met there was the only one to my knowing who "made it". It was ironic looking back now with what I've learned later. Everyone thought she was a spy working for the CCP and when talking to her she defended the party. Her mother was in a forced labour camp and she had escaped and gotten asylum status because of this, but she wouldn't say there was anything wrong with any of what had happened. Instead she blamed her mum for having written a statement of agreement with the party to not practice. "She has to go back and do over", was her only comment. She didn't seem to have any worry at all about her mother's well-being. No matter how this sounds, this girl may be the sanest person I've ever met.