> both Endchan and Meguca made it into this article
I forgot about those guys. After Tarant the others were too meager and only meguca hurt us truly. Didn't even heard about the Norwegian dude. Guess this is the curse of being too busy in 2019. You miss out no matter what.

Also yeah only skimmed it back then and since thought it says nothing new. Which is sadly true. Their understanding is too basic and their only "strength" if they are able to properly utilize AI... Until GPT coming out they were absolutely impotent in the AI field so I didn't really take that threat from them seriously. Now they are not just impotent but annoying. Great success. Also wonder just how many meetings they had to make from taxpayers money to be even able to compile that pic. MFs.
> Taranteffect 
my ass. Maybe finding a way not tormenting your own people for no reason would help. Everyone hates manifestofags. They are like bloggers that you can't even call a faggot because they are not on the site to respond anymore then the entire community gets blamed for them.

Now they even managed to make people into silent weapon and other arsenal hoarders until everyone makes sure IT'S TIME. The race war now meme quieted down during BLM. It became the 
> You won't do shit
meme fast. How long were the fences around the white house again and how many soldiers froze to death and got diarrhea? They were truly sure of their power and legitimacy.