> turned into a cult of the worst kind

Yeah this is what I gathered from eastern entities while looking into their past. The CCP started purging them because they started to apply practices from the already banned cults even back there. And by practice I am not exactly meaning the spiritual kind but the one that undermine the CCP as a side effect. Ofc back then it was okay because they considered all the evils of the CCP "karma" but once things went out of control the CCP and the movement lost their shit. Actual practice merged with superstition and paranoia. That is the downfall of every cult spiritually because in actuality it momentarily strengthens the cult but on wrong principles.
Also I am not sure how many leftover people from destroyed cults joined them and managed to increase their "dissident threat" meter in the eyes of the CCP.

Being a bugman is a harsh fate sometimes. They just wired themselves into an absolutely servile way and once they merge that with defiance they even enslave themselves even further just to become a single block on the path of defeating the "enemy". And they don't even consider this mentality as a "virtue" but a "fate" or a burden they have to carry for the "good of all". Materialist collectivism vs cult collectivism. It's never pretty.

And the fun part? It was even worse before Li came along. There were cults there that had to be purged and not reeducated in any way or form. 
Those on the real path will survive no matter the situation (this was something the entities I talked with told me). Not to mention those cults are only gone from China and CCP controlled areas. Places outside the reach of the CCP still have them and they are not pretty. They have a shorter reach compared the illumitards but their followers are far more dangerous. But at least they have smaller and mostly local goals.

But it's hard to judge their situation. First we have a semi-informational quarantine in China a cultural barrier and let's not talk about their constant 2 facedness. It's hard to understand them sometimes.

Falun Gong has 0 presence in my country so there are many things I don't understand personally about them. I understand their current "failed cult" situation but not the original energies that formed them. There were quite the amount of societal changes going on at once around their formation and I am not sure what was the intention of the whole thing at all. I mean we talked about the gist of it with Scarlet but I am not sure. Bugmen have their own kind of weirdness.

> be Chinese
> escape from communist labour camp
> move to USA
> start own labour camp
This is why the CCP hates cults. They all do this shit then either become radical terrorists or join their enemy and spew constant propaganda against them. That "nice Buddhist/Taoist non violence" letting go of mundane matters view is not in every cult. A spark just appears and BOOM thousands of Chinese are willing to die against the CCP while on the big picture it won't even appear in the news for more than 2 days.

At least we have enough problems in the west already so I don't consider their fate my top priority. They should be able to solve this on their own.