> then completely erased once it get popular
The usual fucking normies ruin everything effect 

> Then it turns back to shit again and hopefully it had some effect while the form lasted.
we have a saying.
> Every miracle lasts only for 3 days
We use this as a saying to either accept that if something miraculous happened it's "no wonder it's unable to last" "it was already a wonder it happened" and it denotes a sort of understanding that onece it happens you have to sort of "make use of it" but also not get ahead of yourself because it's not granted and things can get awry if you don't pay enough attention. It sorta gave me quite the pessimistic outlook through the life but it made me able to notice the "structure" that creates "miracles". And yes once the energies merge with the "dirt" then the previous status quo returns especially if people don't bother maintaining or as the chinese like to say "properly cultivating" the soil. The seeds are spread but the growth process requires different tending mechanics if they require it at all. Some things grow on their own once the conditions are eligible while others get trampled to dust.

So hard to talk about these things. The point always ends up that truth is superior to falsehoods and once it's no longer superior then it was never  (actual/absolute) truth at all.

And ofc cults and religions are unable to comprehend that some "truths" that worked for years are suddenly not work anymore. Accepting that the everlasting truth is not everlasting anymore means that everything else is jeopardy suddenly. Did the truth get lost? Nope. It was just applied wrongly and as the process went further it vanished from the foundation. How to solve it? Either analyze the foundation or the source of the truth. My current problem is that doing both of these things are confusing because as we know already; People can "accidentally" get things right even in faulty beliefs and that can continue the entire movement cult faith religion to go on further. Which means the "moment" when everything went wrong does not exist in a cleanly analyzable state anymore. Only a "tipping point" exists when the "miracle ends".
Oh and the worst part? My favorite. I call them "half manifested energies". You can call them the "hopes and dreams" of the people. Once there is an outlet a sort of prophet/messiah can utilize all those forces but once those energies are gone and not "invested" "properly" all things fall into ruin in a moment's notice. This is my problem with my current research on "Mini golden ages". Congrats the golden age lasted for 0.01 second. It is a golden age. Will be recorded in the great calendar of eternal moments. But if you can't handle the recoil your reward is something worse than eternal hell. What you said with that thing with how humans are like Hydrogen and a wrong step can ruin everything was true.
And the other best or worse part? Once you have the perfect energies when things are "meant to be" things are unable to go wrong because nor you nor anyone can go against truly perfect energies aka truth. And that's the true messianic era. When your free (or hesitant) will is completely aligned with truth and there is no other outcome at all.

Not even impossible to pull the whole thing off. Not even hard for those with the ability and with the proper support. But are we there yet? Those who can say truly are either the wisest masters of existence or the worst kind of fools. And I know both of them exists. But to know the difference between them I have to understand what it means to be truly foolish or wise. And you are never truly wise if you are not foolish...