>  >They did some stuff and basically wipe any record of me from existence and protected me by falsifying whatever remaining records of me there was
Sounds like you went through a hell realm. This was about your "sins" being erased. You see some of your sins are not "yours" at all nor the original sin either you just get it mostly by either just merely living around degenerates or absentmindedly engaging in degenerate practices. I too seen the "tattoos" on my body that marked my "sins" and realized they are an energy type that can be talked with and they can show me the way how they can be returned. Yes it is a weird experience because the perpetrators need to die in the process. You need to make amends. It can appear many ways.

> Apart from that, I wake up feeling even more detached from almost everything, but less distracted and focused(?)
Finally your true mind is kicking in. The mundane hubris that keeps you a confused "dumbass" is slowly evaporating. Just take it easy and observe the new way you are thinking. You might notice new things while doing so.

> There was also some evil sentient bean/seed thingy that was causing shit but it got stuffed out quickly
They just told me it was a "distruptive part of your mind". Had to ask because I encountered and work with many "seeds" and just to be sure asked if it's not an overspill effect from my part.
Might be him. These resonances can happen. And some resonances are good for you so your sisters and guides let you participate in them.
>  >Santa muerte
> Hmm.. I vaguely remember that name
The place you live at is her territory. Especially if there are deserts around.
Also  >>/6705/ he likes her too much. She is part of many workings of the sunflower. More or less she is one of the main entry point into the USA energetically. My personal connection with her is minor. I have my own way with the death gods and my interest in the USA affairs is not as intense. My  agendas more or less can be described: KEEP YOUR FAGGOTRY AND JEWS FAR AWAY FROM ME. I am not big on personally hunting down abortion cults and other specific campaigns BO is doing. My hands are full with managing my own territory.