i'll probably give it a rewatch at some point but if its a show vividly remember 80%-90% i dont really go back to it like that. Only exception i made for that was the first 4 yugioh anime series

> Yes it is happening for you for a while but that doesn't mean it's over. You just reached an another milestone.
a-ah got it.

going back to the point of degenerates earlier, i guess a sign of this particular change happened with some more of the places i usually lurk and occasionally interact becoming even shittier or caring more about laughing at lolcows or whatever (like that one discord group i mentioned n the past). I'm not above laughing at somneone like chris chan sperging out or whatever but i don't like doing the lolcow hunting/farming shit because it feels like peak faggotry. that aside, it got into some weird moral grandstanding where most of the members did drugs, trooned out, or would just be obnoxiously loud (like your stereotypcal american black), zoomers doing the soyjak shit too much, the whole thing got too much and i didn't like how it was about to change me so i just left some more places. also, i remember you or some other anon talking about in relaxation(?) thread but this reminded me about shittalking as shielding against the glowies that was discussed.