> A bag of firewood suddenly fell over causing a crashing sound about an hour ago. This was followed by some poltergeist-y activity outside my house as well

You sure it's not your vampire body tech sharing causing a sudden energetic influx in your space?

The reason why I am saying this because while thinking about workings of the sunflower in the past and came to a quite "emotional" or higher energy conclusion stuff fell over around me from time to time. Some physical places suddenly change energetic polarities as things connect long range. Wanted to rant how I see this process while telekinesis was brought up but then I realized I don't have a good enough grasp on my own theory to talk about it yet.

Also I am busy figuring out what is the Garuda... Seems like I managed to get initiated into an another system and the weird harpies that "took interest" in me before are somewhat of a larger faction. I know schizos had this "birds vs snakes" on /x/ as some spiritual war theory but they are just part of the ecosystem. It's a sort of "birds who fall too low get devoured by snakes and snakes that dare to climb too high get taken by the birds" but this is just a saying. Their enmity is not an another heaven vs hell or anything like that.

Some wooden statue of some norse like god appeared in my meditation yesterday and the visions and chants appeared how the statue was worshiped and how people lived around it. I started to get in contact with the energies and once I got a vision of a chicken being sacrificed the connection was made and met some bearded dude flying on a bird.
Just read today that Krishna also flew on some Garuda. Guess you just get your own bird at some level I don't know. Bird is weird like made of energetically changing colored feathers. Acted like a raging cunt and when I started looking displeased with it's screeching it turned into a woman wearing a birdsuit.

I am not sure what do do with this yet.