> You sure it's not your vampire body tech sharing causing a sudden energetic influx in your space?
No, these were 4 beings who landed on my roof and were captured by a servitor (I ritually sacrificed them to make a point, don't come here with ill intent). A bit later I saw images of men lurking outside my windows, typical overspill images of the glowie RVs who always try to look at me. My demon waifus usually deal with them if they get annoying (They usually say someone is "staring" before they go grab them to cut them up. It really does look that way as a result of their training method. Someone staring with a stone face and eyes like black points, they also have no skills aside from this and their minds aren't shielded, so I can see what they see directly. Because of the modified shield pack from CH they have to "crawl really close" to be able to see me, like within 2 meters with astral projection, or they can't see anything aside from layers of fabric. Once in they'll usually get dealt with, "like a moth to the flame.")