Yesterday after 
> A bag of firewood suddenly fell over causing a crashing sound about an hour ago. This was followed by some poltergeist-y activity 
The local egregore changed a lot. It felt like much of the world just ceased existing and these ghosts were rushing to get to the "shore" to reconnect with something. I still feel a definite change. Maybe something like the 3D of old Earth dissolving took place
> I was told by Wise, my information servitor that "The Earth ended".
We already went through the collapse of the universal structure back in 2009, followed by the galactic structure last year. Those have both been replaced. Maybe it's time for the earth now, and what happened was a pre-planned event where society falls into 2D completely, which is hell manifested, but no one notices because they aren't thinking according to 3D laws of physics and energy transformation anymore?

Some "mad moth" groups again attacked me early morning. They just can't help themselves, they have to rush into the flame in large swarms. Amazing. It was an English speaker this time, so clearly western glowies. I looked and there were however indications some were hiding in western China.

I'm working on them right now, I encased them in "Jewish hellfire" and am now one by one sacrificially killing them to not waste any energy and to cause maximum triggering of these retard scum so they learn not to do this again.