thumbnail of galfed space battle.jpg
thumbnail of galfed space battle.jpg
galfed space battle jpg
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I sent in a team to RAIDâ„¢ them and this triggered a response from some aliens further out, who appeared from a gate in the 1D dimension of the Earth. (How many fucking layers are there??)

The federation starship parked outside the planet instantly fired on the aliens, who fired back. The federation doesn't take attacks lightly and deployed 12 starships which teleported in from afar and positioned them around the gate. The aliens coming in didn't stop, but kept coming. Only very stubborn and dumb beings will go to open war with the federation, because the federation has this bull-headed approach; they will always send in reinforcements to completely overpower the enemy with sheer force, and they won't let even minor offenses pass. They will then capture the crew of the attacking ship and place them in a labour camp with its own reincarnation cycle, where they are forced to work until they have compensated for the damage done and the energy used to overpower their ship during the battle. Firing energy weapons is very costly and the result is that the ship crew  attacking the federation will find themselves working for 100 000 to a million years in the mines to pay back for the cost. Only very dumb races would do this.

By now it has mostly stopped, but there are still some random ships coming in from that gate and attacking, only to be instantly demolished by the federation. The NWO backers (no surprise) aren't very intelligent.