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> It's about taking something which is essentially bad and containing it in a context where it's no longer harmful.
I don't know. For me "bad things" are just things that are utilized incorrectly. And I realized some parts of your "lesbianism" yesterday. The "female aspects" all just energy flows that generate "traits" and those traits generate archetypes and bodytypes. As I was thinking about it I got a vision of female tights and realized how I can connect my energies through the body into the legs (in the past months whenever I had lustful thoughts I felt the energy slowly rising from my legs) and how to unite female aspects with that in the mind. Yes "lesbianism". The energy will flow through several organs and body types and the level of functionality of those organs create strengths and weaknesses that in the end result in different archetypes which operate from different parts of the brain and those archetypes need to be united for proper energy flow. 

And yes the pics you posted are nice because at one level they "arm wrestle" while in the other it's that... whatit'sname... Handshake of comradeship or something? Whatever it means when the parts of the brain are working together instead of fighting for dominance. That is why oneness is important. Fighting yourself is redundant. It works for establishing good training methods when you learn to strain your parts in a way both of them get stronger but once you have an objective a task that require focus they need to "band together". Also while supposedly males are the aggressive ones that always fight each other they usually develop a camaraderie while women hate and compete each other even is they are "besties" most of the time. So yes calling it "lesbianism" might be not improper. Stillsoundsweird. Also 3DPD lesbians and the way anime portrays them is different.  Even finding porn with proper passionate lesbian sex is hard. They are usually sluts that fuck anything for money and not actual lovers. But this is why we call it porn. Maybe this is the reason why I couldn't associate myself well with the idea  Or maybe because my own male female singularity connections are somewhat different... Have to work on it now. I opened some new energy centers in the past weeks again and I have to figure out how to not overload my brain again.

Had to learn to stop thinking with my "brain" because that forces too many energies into the head. I am a psychic I communicate with energies energies contain thoughts therefore I think with my energies WHICH ARE EVERYWHERE AND NOT IN THE BRAIN. Had to learn how "furrowing your brows" is quickloading energies into the brain and I had to stop that reflex. Now I have an even more deadpan expression than before. From Tsundere to Kuudere. Great.