> many of the attachments we have are physical structures in the brain
As I see currently it is not just the brain but the whole body. And calling it a "fossilized object" might be more apt than calling it simply physical. I too just released things from myself and I never realized I had this much tension in my body. Things start to suddenly creak around me I hear sudden water flow movements and a muscle suddenly releases the tension and a pain in an other part of the body goes away.

> it's teleportation between the brain and the muscles.
I don't know what is teleportation anymore. I am starting to see metaphysical organs that are the size of an abdomen and they have pathways and once you clear it out things improve.

> This explains how some people have super fast reflexes
Also I consider that is possible via being in the "true present". Because if our head "thinks" the thought is merely just an "echo" of the real thought. So if you are willing to accept the true present and going that fast you are not even "able" to "hear" the thoughts because you are not your brain but your whole body that speed is possible. Pure intuition/ultra instinct. I still wouldn't say it "teleports" but simply there is NOTHING there to obstruct the speed anymore. Not to mention it feels like my body parts are telling me how to move and I don't know anything at all. Ofc I can stop them from moving but it's like I am just the person who oversees the flawless energy movement process and my body does the work on it's own. It's strange. I have to accept how being "Nothing" is the only way not being burdened by attachments and how to be in the "real present" which at first feels so strange. I never thought existing can be this simple.
Also I think "teleportation" just means you have a different circuit system that bypasses the physical. And if we go by that definition yes you can say 
> teleportation between the brain and the muscles
Just found some of my internal bodies took the form of solid flour or cement or I don't know what that is. It's like the milk body but made of solid powdered milk. And that is a foundation of some energywork but it takes time to understand what is going on. 2 days ago I meditated in the dark as I try to "detach" from the "false image" of the 2 physical eyes and my face energetically started to slowly appear in my vision. Seems like slowly a new energy body type is acclimatizing and I am slowly letting go of the comfort and the burden of the physical. Figured out how I can activate the "see all energies" vision and my physical brain is still unable to handle all that information without causing pain. Too many colors holy shit. Just merely focusing on a single one and trying to figure out what it "means" I short circuit. I have to learn not think this forcedly.

> we have are physical structures in the brain
Yeah realized if I can break them and go to the "next level" the people I interact with also break theirs on their own as my energies circulate. 
> wanna tell people something 
> they figure it out and tell me what I wanted to tell them 
Imagine taking the physical seriously. *sigh*

> I always find dead beetles or the remains of dead beetles or other insects on the floor after
> bug appears out of nowhere 
> I get annoyed 
> slowly let go of my urge to kill it
> I find it dead the next day
I mean I know bugs are guided via low frequencies and they are easy to influence but still. A decade ago I found it so interesting that MIND OVER MATTER and how well I can apply it and it filled me with wonder... but nowadays? My reaction is like: bruh