> they see themselves as "one of a kind". 
Yeah my face memory is dogshit. If I register someone as an archetype that is already marked by my "hate" the entities I have around rip them apart free of charge. For me to be able to notice anyone they either need to be "truly unique" but in a way I can still comprehend them because being too unique too special means no one can understand you or they need to be sort of "one with my way". It doesn't mean they need to have the same mindsets as me but I must see they are pursuing similar directions as me. The reason why I truly love the internet because I was able to find people articles information that proved that the way I am seeing the world is not unique at all. Others seen things the same way as me and it's just a mere natural conclusion and not some alien concept I cannot even explain to anyone without them looking at me weird. Being alone with people around you is the worst fate ever. You die inside every day while you act like everything is normal. Luckily I figured out how I can "Open up" others but it takes patience.

> see them selves as "successful individuals with their own unique fate".
I think this illusion is slowly collapsing for many people in the past 5 years. But yes some people are extremely not just trapped but dependent on this illusion. They are hard to help in any ways. This is why I try to keep those that do "actual work" or if trapped in this self executing routine slavery they can still keep their potential until an opening occurs and ofc those that to my surprise think similarly like me. Realizing that some thoughts just need a part of the mental space to be opened and instead of hating the brainwashed normies I just need to crack the brainwashing system a little and they regain their life? Didn't even think it can be that simple.

> they see themselves as "one of a kind". 
Sometimes I wonder when will they start looking at the system that molds them into that frame and not just feed (on) the most accepted thought framework. 

> If someone does not connect to this standardized system in the same way as everyone else, they consider this person to be "a loser".

Boy I had to listen to that conditioning in my childhood for quite a while. Then in my teens understand the system who is and isn't a "loser" then make sure anyone who tries to get in my way understand why they are losers and how getting into my way reveals what a losers they are. I am so glad those years are over. Not having the need to pretend to be the most superficial mundane to be able to "get ahead".
"Special". Usually I get called weird and not special. I just showed my powerlevel in the first years of uni while drunk and a girl said 
> You are not special
I wanted to kiss her for finally acknowledging me as a normie... then I realized she thought I am merely "pretending" for attention. Wanted to find likeminded people and not to look special... Guess for normalfags it's a hard concept to comprehend. What it means to find a place where you are not special at all. A place where you have a feeling of belonging. For them "belonging" is meaningless because their bleak life is harmful so living in it feels wrong to them but only in such a minuscule way they don't even notice it but always complain how and yearn for greener pastures. 
Grind whole year then waste the money on frivolous shit and pointless vacations for the sole purpose of being enslaved to the same life they supposedly "hate" so much instead of finding any ways to change.
Never even understood how that happens at all. What makes them do it. Nowadays I can see the energetic connections so I have answers for it but overall I still don't know the answer.