As always, these historic tales include lots of details with little application or no way of verifying it. I see your views are somewhat better aligned with mine then the average new ager or galfed channeller. I won't discuss what I agree or disagree with because it's meaningless.
> to the faction you're in contact with
We have a relation right here. This counts. You most likely won't hear or see my contacts, they're best described as space KGB. I should add though that "my faction" going by my personal contacts consists of 55% reptilians and 45% humans. Some are amphibian reptilians, so to spell this out that makes 3 races. One of my higher layers is a dragon of the chinese version, which makes me well aligned with them. From another viewpoint, the dragon is the uniting form which is both lyran/feline, snake and vampire.
This may sound contradictory, but it's my understanding that the lyran gods/ascended masters allowed their home planet to be attacked. The top of lyran society was too pure, and the bottom was too degenerated, so they had to be separated. Not having a military is not a weakness in principle. The attack on Lyra Prime caused the top of their society to dimension shift and lock down, forming the "crystal fortress" (or prison) where a small group of lyrans with the original genetics were preserved. All of them has since become immortals in isolation. After the fortress was unlocked they did not want to leave.
Maybe that is taking place in some reservations, the lyrans I'm in contact with are completely cybernetic. They don't eat and they don't live in houses, they don't interfere with planetary surfaces at all, aside from installing stargates and repeaters/nodes for lyranet. Some of their ship designs are entirely indestructible. This mostly refers to a medium sized battleship frame, but there are others with the same qualities.
"Beating" a lyran doesn't happen because they won't fight. They will teleport out of harm's way automatically, even if blown up they would reassemble the body again, as it's made up of nanobots. They only "die" at the designed time when their minds need to be renewed to prevent mental degradation.