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Western dragons of the "beast" variant are infernal beings, a kind of hell-beasts. 
Chinese dragons are the long snake-like kind, divine beings of wisdom. Humanoid dragons also exist but I'm not talking about those here.
I think everyone has an idea of chinese dragons from Dragonball.
An interesting thing I found however was that kanji, or chinese traditional writing, is a dragon. After I started learning it, a dragon developed inside my body similar to the kundalini, but it emerged from my right palm, like the snake in Mortal Kombat here.
It was a funny thing to realize this was actually based on something.
Not all dragons are huge though, I've met two who were incarnated as humans, but whose souls were golden yellow chinese dragons.
What I've found developing in my higher astral layers is a kind of meta-form, something that looks like a dragon but contains and represents all parts of me. It started off as my particles turning into the fat buddha image, then the fat buddha sitting on a lot of coins. Then as I practiced further (using chinese meditation) it changed again to a reptilian slim buddha with blue hair, then again to a larger reptilian, until it formed into a dragon.