> i guess the "weirdness" for me is how less aggressive they are with things, i mean they still are and will show me their aggression but it feels like its not as much as a hair trigger with them so to speak
Yeah you are less "annoyingly retarded" to put it bluntly. They are at easy because you are on your path and no need to tardwrangle you out of filth and retardation. Even they feel that things are coming along nicely. Once you are not just on the path but "back on your lane" of sorts their frustration will completely mellow out.

> i have vague feeling... this might not have been first time i was in there.
Yeah they told me when I tried to look into it at your previous post
< your mind is not ready for further compass
There was a sort of veil that was like a vertical sea surface. To pass that it is not enough to "dive" into it but I have to become one with that sea. Otherwise I will "drown". I will have to open up some "gills" of sorts. I wager it might be similar to your home dimension to some degree. We will see.

> ahhh okay, she was oddly nice(?)
She is close to your "kind". She is not the same species as you but their magic has similarity is style and feel. This is what they told me just now.

> cant remember what happened afterward though
You got a training. A sort of "subsoulbodyform" learned some movement or energy work form that will appear for you later.

This is quite the specific place. Instead of "seeing" it I have to "breath" in the "water" or the "velvet void". And everything appears slowly if I let my mind awash with it.

> The mind is awash with a new ocean. The ocean of the mind. The feelings of the lost and forgotten. The return of a long era you might yearn but don't realize. Welcome back

You always manage to introduce me to places I never even knew I wanted to visit.