Israelis stormed their parliament so I cannot say nothing happened but I am sure you are implying a different kind of happening.

> it was more or less like the pic i posted
So sides of the body arms and under the eyes. Those are important circuits. Nothing on the forehead?
> but the marks weren't on her legs.
Maybe she had no legs then (besides an illusion). The legs connect us to the earth. It can grant quite the (dangerous) power.  I must make sure to not have any spiritual thought when I have electric devices under my feet or shit just happens. I have a car with the battery under my foot and whenever my silly wandering mind decides to solve a spiritual problem out of boredom the car momentarily shits itself until I snap out of my thinking. Ridiculous. I have energetic circuits installed there. They grant a sort of "auto-grounding".  But for dimensional beings the "legs" are not important especially because they are in the "sea" of sorts. No fish has legs. (K crabs are different but they are like insects or something. Evolution is weird.) What I tried to say that marks on the legs give you "powers" that depend on your connection with the earthy/ground. The dimension is all around them like a sea and they don't need it. Maybe. I didn't manage to connect to your girl yet. I am not exactly at the location you are at just at a sort of "surface level".

> "dont resist, just give in~  You belong to us, even in death. So just accept it and be a good girl."
If I weren't able to look into these things it would creep me out when you say these things. 
Realized what this "even in death" means for you btw. It means you don't have to suffer a "mundane afterlife" or the hell modern society grants to the average mortal. It's not pretty. It just means they have ways to carry you along the way into your next destination and you don't have to wade through trash like most souls on earth. The reason why BO and me talk about fire so much because we have to burn this trash otherwise advancing on the path becomes difficult.

> i know you mentioned it before but really?
It's an automatic process for you. A sort of reflex that appears in real life and death scenarios or if a being that is recognized as your "master" "commands" you to bring it out. Or a "true ally" "inspiring" you to do it. You cannot do this with your "lowly mundane mental circuits". I am not saying you cannot do it but not with halfbaked self doubting thoughts and intents. You need to reach a do or die mentality and push further no matter what. It's a extreme state of mental clarity. Once it is decided you not just "gonna do it" but on a level where you "already done it" and there is no force that will stop you. Kinda different from mine because I have a sort of zeal and conviction while yours is a sort of "certainty" a sort of "it cannot be done in any other way". 
> i was always just assumed i was uber weaker side of the spectrum for stuff overall since im pretty weak physically
Yeah things don't exactly work this way. Strength is in everyone you just need to find it and learn how to apply it. Especially in magic. But for you it is a dormant and a "hidden" strength that you are slowly unearthing. Because of that it takes time to adjust to it and accept that you have it.
> not being a close range like a mage
I don't know what kind of archetype you have about "mages" but they do their craft however they please. Some hide at their altar and cast from there or they go close and personal because that way they can see the weaknesses of their enemies better. It depends on their style and method. On the long run who is "strong" and "weak" kinda loses it's meaning. Depends how well you can utilize situations in the end.