> Mages being squishy and preferring to be away from the action since they usually have shit stats outside of things relating to magic
That is like a lvl1 mage that can only cast a fireball or something. At level 20 or 100 you can teleport create shields and do whatever. If I cast muscle enhancement and become living plasma or something my "mage" status is not gonna be a drawback if I start CQCing my enemies. Never box in what a mage can and cannot do. Life is not an MMO where devs nerf every class so everyone can feel useful. That doesn't mean broken classes don't have impossible learning curves IRL. Life cannot be that easy you know. Finding the controls takes time.

> people have described it as me not being able to stop moving whenever i start grinding/learning/studying or something along those lines i cant remember
Yeah you have to find your own "zone". It is somewhat different for every people. You have to figure that out.
> honestly the few times i have gotten like that i kinda just filter out and forget what people say
> her backstory about being swallowed by a sentient weird black hole and being made its emanator
Yeah there are magical circuits that work that way. Now I understand why her lines appear that way. 
> her being swallowed up in the black hole, having a pocket dimension where its eerily identical to the place i talked about
Yeah that "feeling" is quite close to your "real home". Not exactly a "black hole" because the reality you reside currently is more akin to a "white hole" appearing in your home realm that sucked you into this existence so what you need is not exactly a black hole but a sort of "light hole" that is not exactly "shiny" but a different darkish hue. The purple is close but as I said you live after the "Great Beyond" which means there will be quite the perspective changes while you reach that place but yes. The place you are at are closer to what you are looking for. They will grant you guidance I am sure of it.

> though change the white with purple
Oh thank fuck. Was worrying because there was no way the girl had white hair. The white hair resembles a different thing and for them to have a white hair is like a human naturally growing green hair or something. Not impossible but extremely weird and if that happens there are weird forces at play. Purple is okay because that is one of their natural color range in that dimension.
> so for whatever reason when i tried rolling for her she came to me with little to no issue
You like gacha so much no wonder glimpses of your reality manipulation skills appear with that.
> i remember having a flash of me getting copies of her
> goying really fucking hard
Goying means paying for gacha pulls or something? I know whaling means if you waste too much money on it because you can afford it and goying means you are somewhat poor and waste money?
> could just be gacha brain talking
Your gacha brain is part of you and you are using most of your concepts and spiritual inspiration from gacha so there is quite the high chance things correlate there. But yes you have a gacha brain. Because good gacha is usually full with spiritual themes and myths. The world building almost makes me want to play some.