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Yesterday I was doing a purification ritual for an anon with the help of Amitābha and I got a vision of a large house burning and I merely just increased the light further for a "clean burn" because I felt my cleansing might be "Not enough". Then in the debris a pure source of light manifested and as that source started to strengthen I connected to the light to blow the debris away. When that happened a bunch of light specks started to appear giving me light because I was the "owner" of it because everyone just wants to get rid of trash and never recycle it and the recycling was incomplete. I noticed that it has minor dark spots that emit so much light because it is finally able to burn. While "free energy" is free energy I had to adjust the energy because it started to mess with my workings.

> A complex network of social control was created, where eventually everyone in the society was being held at gunpoint, metaphorically speaking.
> The last image was horrible.
can you please elaborate a little so I can make sure what forces just happened to be part of this thing?

I was merely cleansing the residual energies that dumb ass anon had in his environment and wasn't able to overcome on his own. I didn't notice other "meanings" yet.

> No one's going to believe what the NWO wanted to use the eclipse for so maybe I shouldn't bother talking about what I saw
I don't know what happened but I was granted a large sum of "eclipse" energy for I don't know what just now. Was wondering if I should cut the source but it was "empty" it had no intents or entities in it so I was letting it continue. I can feel it circulate around many places but the "excess" or the overflow that was coming in my way ended.

> But that was the point, making shit to incomprehensible that no one can rebel against it. This goes both ways tho.
Why would people want to rebel? This continuous "we must rebel" mentality is one of the worst things ever. Every revolutionary was about rebelling rebelling rebelling and everything else was secondary. It never creates lasting results.

> how it was hijacked either.
So many forces were playing around with this eclipse I don't know what even counts as a hijack here. It's like posting this meme on this board. What is even a hijack here. But if it is a secret it is a secret. I have way too much eclipse energies now for some reason. I mean I have my own dark moon aspects already and now I have more?