They attempted dream infiltration with me too. Had me in a uniform by the outhouses in my garden with some Ukrainians in uniform, clearly marked with Ukr flags so I couldn't mistake them. Then some "Russian spy" came in who was a literal Chinese granny with a funny hat, and she shot one Ukrainian. I had a handgun but was unsure how it worked, I tried firing it into the air but the trigger had no resistance whatsoever. Tried aiming at the "spy" but my eyes teared up every time and I was unable to aim at her (the dream was meant to make me shoot her but apparently even in hardscripted dreams my mind won't shoot Chinese/Russians).

Woke up and traced the source of the infiltration, then I set out to remove all spies I could find, having Astra look through all countries of the world for 14 eyes spies. Then when I had a list I used the total core vampire ability to instantly empty them of blood. 

May be related to
> before having strokes and then dropping dead